Alexandria Media institute is an academic educational institution, and the first higher institute specialized in the study of media in Lower Egypt and Matrouh.
Alexandria Media institute was established on March 5, 2012 by Ministerial Decree No. 606 of 2012 in Alexandria, under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education.
Our mission is to prepare the graduate and media researcher with qualified knowledge and who is able to employ professionally the latest communication and information technologies in the fields of print and electronic press on the Internet, radio and television, public relations and advertising, and who is able to compete locally and internationally within a framework of moral commitment consistent with the values and ethics of Egyptian and Arab society.
It is represented in presenting a model in media qualification (education, training and research) that is compatible with the current developments in the media industry and keeps pace with the media education systems in the world and is characterized by quality in the educational service provided, covering the void resulting from the absence of media institutes with integrated specializations in the governorates of Alexandria, Buhaira and Matrouh.
The Institute awards a bachelor’s degree in media in one of the following specializations:
- The press
- Radio and TV
- Public Relations and Advertising
Obtaining a bachelor’s degree requires studying (144) credit hours of the prescribed hours in eight semesters, including hours of practical training and includes general requirements; and compulsory requirements for the institute in addition to the requirements of the department; Each course has three credit hours; The administration of the institute, based on the proposals of the scientific departments, determines the actual hours for each course; and materials that have an applied and practical aspect; The two hours in the practical and practical side shall be counted as one credit hour.
The duration of study at the Institute is four academic years, and whoever successfully passes is awarded a bachelor’s degree in one of the three mentioned specializations, and this qualification is approved by the Minister of Higher Education.
Objectives of the Institute
1- Graduating distinguished media cadres.
2- Contribute to the introduction of modern technology.
3. Contribute to the application of the scientific method in various issues.
4- Rooting the values of society and deepening national belonging.
5- Contribute to the advancement of information and knowledge sciences.
6- Contribute to the development of society and the development of services and production methods.
7- Meeting the urgent and evolving needs of society for specialists in the field of media.
8- Contribute to solving the unemployment problem by creating new job opportunities.
9- Providing training opportunities to raise efficiency and performance through intensive training courses covering modern and advanced developments.
10- Choosing and appointing teaching assistants to assist the faculty members in the educational process, and to support them in graduate studies, as they are the nucleus for creating a new generation of the Institute’s members.T