PhD. Mohammad Othman
The word of the representative of the institute
The Alexandria Higher Institute for Media works as an academic institute with multiple goals and functions, and seeks to provide many educational opportunities for students according to their needs, backgrounds and interests. The institute offers various academic programs that contribute to developing the capabilities of learners to be educated and skilled individuals who are able to assume their responsibilities in contributing to building their societies in a positive and constructive manner. The programs offered by the institute include precise specializations that give them knowledge and functional skills on the one hand, and general culture on the other. The courses work in conjunction with the practical training programs to prepare the graduate students to be professionals in the field of media, enjoy the spirit of cooperation and innovation, and are able to assume leadership tasks in the various media institutions. for discreet university teaching, and an example to follow in raising the efficiency of the learning and teaching process; Thus, it assumed a lofty position, in which it rose to light among the leading educational institutions, overcoming all the difficulties and challenges facing the education sector in the precise era in which we live.
With my best wishes for success to our dear students